Re: Zoloft and yeast infections?
The best treatment for
Depression is Omega-3 oil from fish oils. In the winter take a good cod liver oil which contains Vits. A, D and Omega-3s. Take at least 3,000 mgs. Omega-3 per day. B Vitamins are also very important for
Depression - take a good Vit. B Complex that is balanced, or synergistic, 50 mgs. twice a day - get one that contains no yeast, sugar, wheat or soy.
All drugs are toxic and will put a real strain on your liver, in addition to the strain caused by candida toxins. To help the liver: 1) do a couple of
coffee enemas to help decongest the liver (do them 3-4 days apart); 2) take liquid chlorophyll, 1 tbl. in 4 ozs. of water three times a day; 3)drink freshly squeezed lemon juice and a good ocean
Sea Salt (Celtic) in water 4 times a day before meals (also increases digestive juices).
Ensure you are getting enough good protein from grass-fed animals, eggs, etc. and plenty of "good" saturated fats, i.e. coconut oil, butter and other animal fats. Every cell of the body requires amino acids from animal proteins and good fats. Your brain is at least 70% cholesterol made by the body from good saturated fats, essential fatty acids and oil soluble vitamins (A, D & E). Minerals are essential for all bodily functions - have plenty of good ocean
Sea Salt which contains over 80 trace minerals required by the body, and also take additional Cal/Mag in a 1:1 ratio (350 mgs. 3 times a day) - the body can only accommodate a maximum of 500 mgs. of calcium at one time.
For more information about on a good candida diet see the other messages I have posted and also see my article "How to Successfully Overcome Candida" at:
The best in health,
Bee Wilder