Re: Tiny leaf shaped yeast
It sounds like you are off to a good start and also have a good plan. Personally, I didn't have success with only diet and herbal remedies at first. I had to add nystatin (a horrible tasting anti-fungal powder which I dissolve in water). Once I added that, I began having dramatic improvements. It can be very, very difficult to find a doctor who has heard of it and will prescibe it, though.
So, I improved, but only just so much. Months of plateau, and more confusion, I ended up coming here to learn more. Once I tried the P&B shakes, I had another dramatic turning point. So, I think both effectively killing large numbers of candida while flushing them & all their toxins out is a good approach. There are other ways to detox, too. It seems like there are some variations in what people from this forum do, and it seems like more than one variation is helpful.
I do better on days I skip lunch and have lemon water, as Jhan recommends.
Don't forget lots and lots of water! :)