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Yes, Candida Sinus and eye problems are related
Jhan Views: 5,702
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 283,499

Yes, Candida Sinus and eye problems are related

Vitamin C and a saline solution: Salinex (or any other brand) have been very helpful for the treatment of my sinus.

After my 4th Liver Flush I was in awe, my sense of smell came back and I could suddenly smell so much better. Smell, taste and digestion are closely related, and candida grows in many location of the body, uterine, colon and intestine, behind the eyes and in the mouth.

Do you also have tinnitus? (noise in your hear) My tinnitus is much better. I only get it when my my lymphs and liver and kidneys get overworked.
I still have a bit of a problem with my sinus- even though candida is dying out big deal these days (I find threads daily in my stool). I guess I will keep have sinus problems until I am completely over with candida.


Vitamin C and a saline solution: Salinex (or any other brand) have been very helpful for the treatment of my sinus.

After my 4th Liver Flush I was in awe, my sense of smell came back and I could suddenly smell so much better. Smell, taste and digestion are closely related, and candida grows in many location of the body, uterine, colon and intestine, behind the eyes and in the mouth.

I still have a bit of a problem - even though candida is dying out big deal these days (I find threads daily in my stool). I guess I will keep have sinus problems until I am completely over with candidda.


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