Re: A few mistakes people make when flushing....
I just wanted to add that I haven't had any trouble with the
Epsom Salts either. In fact, any time I've had a gallbladder attack, I've felt wonderful after
Epsom Salts . They taste nasty and I have no appetite after, but I feel wonderful and like I can rest - at peace with everything. Which leads me to think that a person's happiness with
Epsom Salts may be directly related to their need for magnesium.
I know I have a magnesium deficiency and I don't feel right if I don't supplement enough with mag. If you have enough magnesium in your system then perhaps the epsom salts are a little harsh. If, however, your body has a great need for magnesium, it will feel wonderful all awash with it and the symptoms of using it (like diarrhea) may be small. Anyway, that's just my theory and perhaps others who have had success with epsom salts have noticed something similar.