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Re: Candida Purge..and bowel cleanse?
Rebeckah Views: 1,728
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 282,996

Re: Candida Purge..and bowel cleanse?

Well, the Master-Cleanse is meant to be a cleansing/healing period as you want your digestive system to turn OFF so deep work can happen. If you are eating anything including soup, P&B shakes, 3lac, even diflucan pills, you'll be restarting the digestion process. The Master-Cleanse then becomes more of a weight loss program than the regenerative cleanser it is designed to be. Yes, some cleansing will happen, but not to the full extent of what could happen.

The maple syrup is necessary as it provides nutrients and calories so as not to severly mess up your metabolism. {Like with water fasting}.

Maybe the reason you don't have the strength to do a strict Master-Cleanse is cuz you are having a succesful die-off? :) yay!

I know all the info can get overwhelming, but all the cleanses and flushes can work together quite wonderfully. You just have to have a good ordering of them. Don't try to do too many things at once or else, as you're discovering, none of them will work very well. My advice to you is to wait on doing the MC until you get a handle on your candida. Then the MC will be able to cleanse & repair better. Eat well & cleanse your intestines as you go.

The lax teas, and SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) are for flushing the toxins out of your intestines. If you are having toxic, die-off syptoms {nausea, tired, flu-like feelings, etc., I think you know what I mean.} then a salt water flush, lax tea, colonic, or enema might help relieve some bad feelings.


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