Diagnose swollen ankle - circulation.
Hi Guys,
Since some months now my right ankle is swollen. I found out basicly because now my boots are too tight on this foot and they were never befor. They leave marks (lines) on my ankles, which take about 30 hours to fade and for my ankle and and foot to retain their normal pinkish color (it becomes a bit blue-ish). Logically I should not wear these boots and not obstruct blood circulation more than necessary... but I wonder what it can be.
I started to go raw 8 months ago and this swellings have been on and of for the last four monts - it did not have anything to do with heat since it started after summer.
Furthermore both my feet feel very cold most of the day. Warm and cold foot baths help and obviously walking/running. Actually I need to walk 10 minutes befor I get the circulation going properly and can start jogging.
I wonder what could be the problem so I get past this.
Could it be bad blood or lymphe circulation? In my family there is traditionally low blood pressure and the last time I had the perfect 70/120 (this must be over a year ago).
Could it be deficiency in minerals? Maybe malfunctioning of kidneys or liver?
If you have ideas of how to diagnose this, please let me know!
cheers, Leoni