To johng
Hi I would first like to thank you for trying to help people.
I have searced internet and reading so many articles on internet for a year now. But when I read "the key..." I really believe that Andreas approach is the right one... Candida shouldn´t be killed using antifungials, i´ve tried that approach. felt cured for some mounth on the diet but when I finally ate i pice of fruit it felt it came right back and I became dizzy.
My symptoms went from gas & some conspiration to to brainfog and dizzyness. From candida in the colon to (systemic!?) Well it seems it didn´t die just moved to my bloodstreem and survived.
My questions is:
1) how often did you eat fruit when you followed andreas advice for candida?
2) how often did you eat grains, did you eat glutan grains like wheat? I´m planing on making porridge on oats to breakfast. You think thats ok?
3) did you juice vegetables like carrots?
Thanks /Davva