Re: Brain fog exists during candida treatment and cheating. Why ??
Thank you for responding. Lots of good suggestions from
you. There is no time for a walk at lunch - I have maybe
15 minutes to eat. Try to meditate some though. I have an
aide 1 hour in morning and 1 hour in afternoon. She's often
pulled for other duties though. If I told my supervisor
(principal) about this, I could count on being transferred
to another school next school year. He wouldn;t be very
I agree about soy. It doesn't agree with me either. So, the
colosan and isocort helped you sleep? I'm going to wean off
Ambien this week and next week. I just don't want to be on
meds like this for long periods of time.
I do walk in the evenings with my daughter. If I'm feeling
very spacey having her there helps that and I don't feel
panicked like I can't get home.
Tell me this will all get better !!