muscle twitching driving me crazy !!
Last fall, I noticed that I had a vibration or shuddering
feeling in the center of my chest. It felt like a motor
running on low and was very distracting, especially at night.
Of course, I went to a doctor, and had several expensive
tests done: cardiac echocardiogram, MRI of the brain, carotid
artery ultrasound. All of these came back "normal".
The vibration in the chest has gone, but sometimes it does
come back there or in my head. When it's in my head, it
feels like a mild electrical buzzing. Sometimes my left cheek
goes a little numb. Doc ruled out MS. Thank God.
Now the muscles in my legs and arms twitch and spasm off and
on all day. I'm worried that the spasms will increase to
become tremors that everyone can see.
Please post me back if you've ever had any of these sensations.
I would like to know how you handled them. Thank you so much
for all your help and support. I am so very grateful that I
found curezone and all of you ...