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Re: what is die off on colloidal silver like?
TC-12 Views: 8,055
Published: 21 y
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Re: what is die off on colloidal silver like?

Colloidal Silver die-off can be especially uncomfortable, with night sweats, occasional seizures, leaking of blood from bodily orifices, and sometimes projectile vomiting. But fortunately those symptoms only last about a week or two.

Sorry, couldn't help but have some deviant fun here...:)

I haven't a clue what the effects might be with Colloidal Silver , but I did recall the article below on this product. I've also noticed that a majority of reputable alternative medical guides I've read don't list silver as one of their recommended treatments. Others may opt to disagree, but my advice would be, if the bottle is unopened, see if you can get a credit towards another product where you bought it.



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