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Kelp is truly mother natures gift
Burnt Ice Views: 2,213
Published: 20 y
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Kelp is truly mother natures gift

I personally would and am taking coral and kelp and Celtic Sea Salt and alfalfa and dandelion for the vit's and minerals and trace minerals they carry in the right and proper proportions for our body,( see MultiVit Herbs in the vegitarian forum) but cut back on your cereals and grains, as they prevent your body synthesizing vit D and block minerals (read The Paleolithic Diet and Its Modern Implications, found in the Vegitarian forum) as does mineral oil, which is used in the baking industry on there machinery... but trace minerals WoW give me More... The soils are baron and next to becoming deserts, no minerals or anything left to nourish the vegetation.
Best to grow your own vegies, and a study found if you put kelp in your soil or liquid kelp on the plants, seeds grow faster, bigger, flower more, with more seeds, they receive nourishment from the Kelp...

In conclusion, kelp can help germinate seeds quicker, improve taking of cuttings, encourage rooting, build immunity, add more color and flavor, give a longer shelf life, produce more and larger buds and flowers, counter any nutrient deficiencies, and fight off insects and disease. Kelp is truly mother natures gift to the modern gardener.


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