i am on the holistic horizons and coffee or nutribiotic enemas...but the holistic horizons kind of backs me up. i haven't had a lot of success with the Bowel Cleanse as far as ropes,etc. and i did start of with good peristalisis...so i don't think it has too much to do with the cleanse.
i was just stating that the enemas have not made my bowel lazy.
i guess i would suggest eating a lot of veggies and maybe juicing along with drinking plenty of water with whatever Bowel Cleanse you decide to go on. i have also noticed that taking hydrochloric acid to better my digestion (i usually see undigested food in the stool) has helped a lot in the processing of food in my gut. better digestion in the gut definately will help from stopping the food from rotting in the intestines. that may improve the time it all passes through.