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Re: Candida?, leakygut? Need some help!
thunder d.u Views: 2,617
Published: 21 y
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Re: Candida?, leakygut? Need some help!

Geez Man, you cant go on like this. You are supposed to be having the time of your life at 23! I think I can help you though. After 18 years of Irritable bowel, & leaky gut ,I know what I am talking about. First of all as I have in the past been diagnosed with Candida , but couldnt maintain the suggested diet,
I suggest that symptoms of L.G & Candida are very similiar. As the gut wall becomes more inflamed due to allergies, stress, & I.B.S involving constipation &/or Diahhrea, small fissures start to appear . As these fissures get worse the sufferer believes he is becoming allergic to more & more foods. The symptoms can be very flu like with general weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches, nausea, skin rashes, sore throat & eyes, & even palpitations. The system, instead of absorbing the essential nutrients required for good health, becomes a sponge for Bacteria
fungus, fermenting gases,& toxins. One of the glands that can be greatly affected is the thyroid, hence the palpitations!
I would suggest to you straight away that you throw away the Flaxseeds, because they have sharp corners that can irritate the inflamed bowel. If you can get cold pressed Flaxseed oil in a lightproof container & kept in the store fridge, you are heading in the right direction. It is normal to mix equal parts with plain yoghurt (DR Budwigs recipe for perfect omegas 3&6 intake), but until you can reduce your allergic reactions to dairy I would leave the yogurt out.
Now the fete de complete. For 10 months I have been drinking
MANGOSTEEN JUICE,& it WORKS! It has 41 Xanthones in it which are proving to be the strongest anti-inflammatories ever discovered, & unlike drugs, there are no side affects. We in the West have only just discovered it yet the Peoples of S.E Asia have been using it for centuries to cure Dysentry, Diahhrea, & a host of other ills including bacterial, fungal & viral infections.
When I started on Mangosteen I was just like you, skinny as a rake, undernourished, & positively miserable because of my so called allergies to the food I loved! The Mangosteen though, thru reducing the inflamation in the gut wall, it allowed the fissures to heal up & within a month I was getting away with murder. There are still some things like oranges & grapefruit that dont like me, but thanks to mangosteen I have a new life, & that includes selling it ,I was so impressed. Imagine a 63 year old whose been skinny for nearly 2 decades having to join a fitness centre to lose weight. Thats me.!!!
Check out our Web page, & also log onto Yahoo or Google,& type in 'mangosteen australia' for our web page.



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