Thanks for the reply, Roni! I applaud your discipline in doing the MC. Right now I am finding it too overwhelming to really do any of the recipes in the raw "cook" books I have found.. I am transitioning almost cold turkey from the SAD. I aim to do raw for several months and then allow some cooked vegetables and some gluten free breads back into my diet.
At the moment all I can find that I like is raw okra and fruits!! I have been eating a couple bananas a day (they really help when I'm feeling weak), some carrots, apples, oranges, and raw corn. My taste buds are still used to cooked food and refuse the really pungent 'wild' flavor of sprouts and celery. I have heard that sprouts you grow yourself taste much better than grocery store sprouts, so I am going to try to grow them this week. It looks really fun, because I am already a houseplant lover. :) I hate to say this but... I HATE LETTUCE! I have tried and tried to make myself eat salads. But I can't stand the feel of lettuce in my mouth. It makes me gag. Every time I try to chew the lettuce I picture my pet Iguana mouthing on a leaf of Romaine. Ergghh..