alkalizing and candida
Hi everyone
Have been treating myself for candida, but after looking around this site I am wondering if I should be concentrating on alkalizing instead. However, I have looked through the alkalizing/acid foods list, and note that dried figs, and many fruits are on there, which, with candida and leaky gut, I am not supposed to eat.
Do I understand correctly, that if I alkalize my system my candida goes away by itself, and if I eat 5 figs and some pineapple (which the sugars feed candida) it doesnt matter coz its alkalizing? This is confusing.
Also, because of candida I rely heavily on yoghurt and protein, which are all in the acid forming list. If I cut them down, and still cannot have figs/potatoes/tomatoes/fruit/nightshade veg etc etc, then my range of foods is going to be very, very narrow, and that in itself cannot be good for my health.
Any help or ideas would be appreciated.