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Re: Looking for imput regarding multiple issues
humaworm Views: 1,959
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 276,920

Re: Looking for imput regarding multiple issues

Hello - I have read nice things about Blessed Herbs. The basic ingredient for most colon cleansers is psyllium. Psyllium swells to 50 times it's size when wet and acts like a big sponge to soak up toxins AND it bulks up the stool to help pull out mucoid plaque and any big "worm" parasites. 10g of psyllium will in itself help produce over 3 cups of stool. Usually natural laxatives are added to help the colon push out the larger volume of stool - the action of these laxatives are used in conjunction with the psyllium to allow the mucoid plaque to be "pulled" then eliminated from the colon. One of the most widely used natural laxatives is Cascara Sagrada (AKA Buckthron). It contains anthraquinones which actually stimulate the nerve centers in the lower intestional area creating large muscle "waves" which will push off the old fecal matter from the colon wall. Other natural laxatives are sometimes added - but they work in a different way than the cascara to aid in elimination.

The swelling action of the psyllium is why it is SO IMPORANT to make sure to drink 2 quarts of water OR MORE per day so that the psyllium can swell and do it's job properly. Too little water intake can cause bloating and constipation.

The funny looking things coming out could very well be parasites. They look much different in real life than they do in some textbook pictures!

I hope this helps and good luck to you!


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