MH, I was reading over your old posts, and you repeatedly say that cayenne is bad for and destroys your bones by making you acid, yet you include it in spice 4 life, so is it bad or good? You seem to toute spice 4 life as very good, but what about the cayenne? I know you say it's good because ot increases circulation and draws acid out of the body, and it good for when people eat the wrong foods, but I'm confused because you also say its very bad for you and Dr. Christopher aged a lot because he took it, just looking for some clarification. Also, how should one take Spice 4 life, can they take as much as they need, and should it be taken straight, i remember you saying to dilute 1 tbsp. of it with a glass of water, is that the best method, 1 glass to 1 tbsp? And does refrigeration of Spice 4 Life hurt the herbs?