19 y
Was that a serious question.....? :-(
um... Was that a serious question? are u seriously asking me this?? do you really NOT KNOW?! ?
Your post starts like this:
(((( What is the Good Life?
The good life is accepting that you are a special creation. The good life is knowing that you do have a purpose. The good life is when the Great Creator Breathes His love into your heart for the first time.))))
You go on in this vein throughout the post. You Pointedly Exclude ANY OTHER life as being "The Good Life" by giving your very NARROW fundamentalist christian version of this so-called "THE GOOD LIFE."
IF you really didn't know, and don't wish to offend anyone, then next time perhaps you shouldn't continue using that sort of language. IF you really wish to just talk about YOU and acknowledge that it's YOUR THING, then You might say something like: "i have found peace and happiness since becoming a fundamentalist christian. It works for me perfectly and that's why i believe in all their teachings." No one would get offended with that, for that is YOUR LIFE. you are not telling other people to BECOME LIKE YOU or they will only have THE NOT SO GOOD LIFE.
My own life is every bit as wonderful to me as your life is to you. But I don't go around posting messages entitled "THE good life" with the first question being "WHAT IS THE GOOD LIFE?" and then go on to describe my life exactly as if it's "THE" ONLY GOOD LIFE. I don't even understand how one could possibly have the HUBRIS to do such a thing, for I respect everyone else's choices on how to lead their own lives.
If you REALLY want to convert people so badly, do it by EXAMPLE... be kind and considerate and courteous and respectful of others -- show less arrogance. Be caring and gracious. Let people ASK you themselves, "why are you such a good person and how can you be so happy? what is your secret?" THEN you can tell them the secret of Your good life.
But first, you gotta make yourself into an admired and respected figure, not a laughing stock.