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Is the sun shrinking?

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Original Dr. Hulda Clark
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White Shark Views: 3,365
Published: 19 y
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Is the sun shrinking?


I read most pages on that web site.

I have no time refuting it line by line, (it would take writing a several books to refute it all) ... but I can tell you that I am familiar with at lest 30% of the info on those pages and I can tell you that it is a wild collection of ideas with too many questionable claims, claims unsupported by data, claims that author calls "facts".

Most "facts" listed there are not scientific facts.

These are ideas and hypothesis pushed forward by some scientists. We have no data to support those hypothesis/ideas ... so those hypothesis/ideas are not accepted as mainstream facts.

I will just mention a few ideas from that page:

"1 - Solar collapse. Our sun is gradually shrinking at a steady rate. It is occurring fast enough that, as little as 50,000 years ago, the sun would have been so large that our oceans would boil. In far less time in the past (25,000 years or so), all life on earth would have ceased to exist.—p. 12."

Read this and you will get a wider picture: Is the sun shrinking? Is the sun shrinking?
Is the Earth Young?

"Our sun is gradually shrinking" is not based on stable data. Too many unanswered questions. Data missing.

We have no data to prove it beyond serious doubt.

Next problem not taken into account:

Was the sun shrinking with the same speed (if it is shrinking) 1 million years ago?
100 million years ago?
1 billion years ago?
2 billion years ago?
3 billion years ago?
4 billion years ago?
Or, was the sun enlarging 1 billion years ago?
Or, is the sun's diameter fluctuating every 5 million years?

We have no data to provide answers to those questions. We can only come up with hypothesis and hope that observations done during the next 20 or 100 years bring more answers.

Another little detail: just as our sun is changing ... so is also distance of planets from the sun.

Is the Earth drawing closer to the sun each year?
Yes, earth is moving closer to sun every year.

That means that earth was much further from the sun in the past.
That means that even if sun was larger, the earth was far enough to not be burned.

So, here I refuted one single statement from that page.

I could do the same with 99% of so called "facts" ... but, I have no time.

Please, try to learn something here. Before you jump on a web page and accept everything you read ... try to read a few books and a few web pages ... find out what critics have to say about those ideas ... cause ... there is a possibility ... that ideas are not hard facts.

There is a possibility, that someone with agenda ... is trying to make you believe that some hypothesis are hard facts, when in reality .... these are only a hypothesis that lack data to support it fully.

White Shark


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