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My point has been proven! I'm out of here!
golfegg Views: 2,354
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 274,417

My point has been proven! I'm out of here!

I ask everybody in here to discover the actual process of how a lower life form can "evolve" into a higher life form. This is what will prove evolution is true. Otherwise all there is, is a bunch of fossils showing different life forms, without any clue of how they got here until this process can be proven. If you really seek truth, you will do that. Otherwise you are following blind science.

To Chazer,
Well at least what you said wasn't total insanity, as you usually do. I'll give you credit for that! Butt u stil ned a spel cheker tho, (keep to pasting) and still need to think up something new.

"I dont have to prove the laws of nature to anyone!"
EXACTLY! Because you can't! YOU are a blind follower of science, and can't admit it, or even see it! Plus you're a liar like I said, because you can't back up what you say said about there being plenty of evidence of every step in evolution. Study my friend, study. Notice everyone else has shut up, because they can't show the proof either, yet you keep spewing your garbage.

"some mealy mouthed bozo spewing the same repetitive barf all over this forum post after post!"
Talking about yourself again.

"Some may like to keep you around for the laughs but all I see is a blockade to a debate of any substance !"
A debate without creation being debated, (which is in the name of this group, in case you haven't noticed) is not a debate. It is only a posting place for your unproven articles you post.

"You would not continue your harrasment and throw your disrespect and intolerance of other views around in this forum if you where any different then the bigoted fundies!"
I'm not intolerant. I showed how Science is wrong. I asked for proof, and no one can show any. I've researched all this before & still do. The fact is there is No PROOF showing simple life forms "evolved" into higher ones! They say they evolved, but don't have a clue on what the process is that could accomplish this, and never will because it didn't. The word evolve is supposed to be uncontested, because it's a word that includes a process that is unknown, & unproven. You are the harrasing, disreapectful, intolerant person in here. I've respected everyone in here who respected me.

Anyway, I'm out of here. I've proved my point, there is no proof of evolution using your own definition of evolution Chaz, and no one in here can debate that, except a fool like you. So continue in your blissful blindness Cheezer. Hopefully some day you'll really be able to see you follow false teachings, and change.


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