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Infinite field of life...
Wiz Views: 1,868
Published: 21 y
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Infinite field of life...

Really only the Darwin's Decent of Man, which has become the standard that the religion of modern paleontology is built on.

However, I believe they do question the mechanism of evolution in the following book. (although I haven't read it). I question it myself. It's not that species don't change and adapt (survival, of the most adaptable, as I mentioned), however how are whole species lines born?

Yes, there is great antiquity to the earth and to earth species, however for one to simply split off and grow into another over the eons does not seem to be the clear answer.

There are some (like me) that believe that the we reside in a fast sea of consciousness, that matter itself is frozen consciousness. Just as there is an underlying 'program' that launches souls out into physicality from the higher dimensions, there is also an etheric blueprint to an infinite variety of plants and animal species, and only some species are launched when the conditions to support them manifest. Much like the impending birth of a human infant displays the exact prerequisites required to attract a soul into that body.

Yes folks, it could be that the infinite field of life (that some call God) is like a gigantic computer server running the whole deal from the higher dimensional planes . However once it launches a program (a species), that species is off an running by itself. Does a species manifest out of thin air like magic? Poof, chirp, chirp, here we have a bird?

Gee, dunno.

But there is some mechanism beyond pond scum evolving into Dick Cheney that is at work here (well maybe in HIS case, it may be true).

But for the rest of humanity (save perhaps the Bush administration) there is something else that triggers, and/or course corrects evolution and infuses matter with the life force...

Whatcha think?



PS... there is a theory that animals have a hive soul, not individuated souls like humans. A sort of a gestalt enegry that is the collective life force of a whole species ... like say 'dogs'.

Interesting stuff....


Really only the Darwin's Decent of Man, which has become the standard that the religion of modern paleontology is built on.

However, I believe they do question the mechanism of evolution in the following book. (although I haven't read it). I question it myself. It's not that species don't change and adapt (survival, of the most adaptable, as I mentioned), however how are whole species lines born?

Yes, there is great antiquity to the earth and to earth species, however for one to simply split off and grow into another over the eons does not seem to be the clear answer.

There are some (like me) that believe that the we reside in a fast see of consciousness, that matter itself is frozen consciousness. Just as there is an underlying 'program' that launches souls out into physicality from the higher dimensions, there is also an etheric blueprint to an infinite variety of plants and animal species, and only some species are launched when the condition to support them manifest. Much like an the impending birth of human infant displays the exact prerequisites required to attract a soul into that body.

Yes folks, it could be that the infinite field of life (that some call God) is like a gigantic computer server running the whole deal from the higher dimensional planes . However once it launches a program (a species), that species is off an running by itself. Does a species manifest out of thin air like magic? Poof, chirp, chirp, here we have a bird?

Gee, dunno.

But there is some mechanism beyond pond scum evolving into Dick Cheney that is at work here (well maybe in HIS case, it may be true).

But for the rest of humanity (save perhaps the Bush administration) there is something else that triggers, or course corrects evolution and infuses matter with the life force...

Whatcha think?




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