Re: Things I have learned
The Month Of March Each day of March has a Special occasion. Here are a few:
1st National Pig Day & Peanut Butter Lovers’ Day
2nd Old Stuff Day
3rd If Pets Had Thumbs Day,
4th Hug A GI Day
5th Multiple Personality Day
6th National Frozen Food Day
7th National Crown Roast of Pork Day
8th International (Working) Women’s Day
9th Employee Appreciation Day & Panic Day
10th Middle Name Pride Day
11th Worship of Tools Day
12th Girl Scouts Day & Plant A Flower Day
13th Ear Muff Day & Jewel Day
14th National Potato Chip Day
15th Everything You Think Is Wrong Day, Incredible Kid Day & Dumbstruck Day
16th Everything You do Is Right Day
17th St. Patrick’s Day
18th National Quilting Day
19th Poultry Day
20th International Earth Day & Extraterrestrial Abductions Day & Proposal Day
21st Fragrance Day
22nd National Goof Off Day
23rd National Chip and Dip Day
24th National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day
25th Pecan Day & Waffle Day
26th Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
27th National “Joe” Day
28th Something On A Stick Day
29th Smoke and Mirrows Day
30th National doctor’s Day & Take A Walk In The Park Day
31st National Clam on the Half Shell Day