To 44031
When I was 15 years old and playing baseball, there was this kid on our team who just no good. Not only did he lack skill, he lacked any sort of enthusiasm for the game and didn't seem to enjoy it at all. We didn't put him in the lineup most of the time because of the above. The kid just sucked in every way possible. He should not have been there.
One day, after our coach was chewed out by this kid's mother for not putting him in the game more often, our unfortunate and uncoordinated kid was put into right field, which, when you're 15, is the position played by the worst kid on the team.
Anyway, during the game, this kid is in right field doing everything but paying attention. He's adjusting his underwear, looking around, picking his nose, totally oblivious to the fly ball just hit into right field. We noticed he was not looking, so we're all yelling his name "Hey, look up, catch the ball!" No response from the kid, still picking his nose. BAMM! The fly ball hits the kid right between the eyes and floors him. As we alternate between spewing expletives at this kid and laughing our asses off, he slowly recovered whatever portion of his senses he originally had, gets up and looks around, bewildered, while the hitter scores a home-run.
44031, you remind me of that kid, who is probably a decent guy nonetheless.