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God Symbology
Blue Stone Views: 1,489
Published: 21 y
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God Symbology

I think the problem of some people accepting a unifying energy(god) is in the conditioned response to what some word symbols have taken on in their meaning in some peoples consciousness.

When people see killing, and fighting, and ugliness and the name God pops up, they are likely to have a Pavlonian response. Personally, to me, its just a word, the dogma has been washed away from that *god* symbol in my current awareness but I understand how some may still have energetic residue that may keep them from expanding awareness in the area of spritiual connectedness.

Perhaps "organizing force" is a better symbology, or "all that is" or...

For the sake of reaching out and offering a symbolic neural path "in" perhaps different symbologies are required for different mindsets until enough of the conditioned 'back story" is shed that one can reclaim one's symbols to mean something more empowering and less dogmatic.

On that note, think of the instant negative energy the sight of a swastika conjures. It used to have positive meaning until unsavory midns manipulated its meaning. The difference is in the awareness...not the symbol.

Isn't duality a kick?


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