Why Vitamin E was Ignored as Heart Therapy for 40 Years?
Why Vitamin E was Ignored as Heart
Therapy for 40 Years
Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
Vol. 7, No. 4, 1992
The True Cost of Cynicism
Abram Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
Thursday, November 19, 1992, New York Newsday
carried a report that vitamin E had decreased the risk of heart disease between
one-third and one-half. The studies reported were conducted at the Harvard
School of Public Health. In one study, Dr. M. Stampfer found that during an
eight year follow-up, women who had taken at least 100 iu of vitamin E daily for
two years had a 46 percent lower risk of having a heart attack. This was based
on a population study involving 87,245 women. The second study, on men, by Dr.
E. Rimm, based upon 51,529 subjects, showed a 37 percent lower risk. They found
that there was not enough vitamin E in food; Dr. Stampfer was so convinced by
the data he is taking the vitamin himself.
These findings, of course, are not surprising to
anyone familiar with the history of vitamin E and heart disease. I suggest that
you read Dr. Shute's books. In the late 1940s, Drs. Wilfrid and Evan Shute
began to treat large numbers of patients with megadoses of vitamin E, usually
above 800 IU daily. Their clinic eventually had experience with perhaps 30,000
patients who came from all over North America to receive their treatment.
Their work was a model of clinical research, but the idea was so novel that
their work was discounted entirely and they were considered quacks for
recommending these doses for a disease "known" not to be a vitamin deficiency
disease. Fifty years ago, about the time they began their studies, hardly anyone
knew what vitamin E was, and it was not considered important or relevant.
However the medical profession, instead of doing
its duty which is to investigate claims made by reputable physicians and
scientists, persisted in downgrading their work. In fact, one of the
publications with the Harvard name on it, the Medical Letter did a
hatchet job on the Shutes' work many years ago. By doing so it effectively
killed interest for many decades. In this Medical Letter they reviewed
four studies published between 1940 and 1950 which they claimed were final
definitive studies which proved that vitamin E had no therapeutic value for
treating heart disease. I examined the four original papers, something which few
doctors seem to have done. I found them to be inept, and so badly done that even
journals willing to publish vitamin papers would have rejected them. They did
not follow the directions described by the Drs. Shute, using too little vitamin
E for too short periods of time.
Now scientists from the same university report a
35 to 50 percent reduction in heart disease. It is important to think about this
and to convert this into real costs. Today, 40% of all deaths are caused by
heart disease. Each day 2,000 people, or about 750,000 persons per year, die
from heart disease. Let us assume that the reduction in risk is exaggerated, and
that in reality there is only a 10 percent reduction. This means that each year
about 50,000 fewer people would have died, a saving of about 200 patients daily.
It is difficult to calculate overall how many would have been saved if the
Harvard group had taken their responsibility seriously and examined the vitamin
E claims in 1950 instead of waiting until 1992.
This is the real cost of medical cynicism.
Had they been merely skeptical they could have done the studies to satisfy their
own curiosity, but they were so convinced the Shutes' findings were meaningless
they went out of their way to destroy them. They succeeded. I wonder if
anyone at Harvard Medical School today has given any thought to the cost of this
type of inexcusable delay. This happened several hundred years ago when Sir
James Lind proved that citrus fruit could prevent scurvy in British sailors. The
Navy began to issue limes 40 years later. In the meantime 100,000 sailors died.
This again illustrates the true costs of delay in examining seriously claims
made by physicians.
The medical establishment consoles itself by
claiming that the onus for proving new findings is on the original investigator.
This is merely an excuse for doing nothing. The price is enormous. How much
longer will society permit doctors the luxury of doing nothing, especially when
the suggested treatments are safe, economical and, in the opinion of doctors who
follow these treatments, so effective? Harvard Medical School should be ashamed
of itself, and owes the American people an apology.
The recent Harvard findings illustrate again the
rapid advance of the orthomolecular paradigm in overthrowing the anti-vitamin
paradigm, which has done so much harm in the past twenty years.
A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
#3A - 2727 Quadra Street
Victoria, B.C. V8T 4E5
(Reprinted with permission of the author)