raw diet for a tube-fed stroke victim
hello. i am a raw fooder from argentina. i have been for eight years.
my father had a stroke two weeks ago. he is hospitalized. out of danger, but not improving too much.
of course he is being fed with the usual food for this cases, thru a tube.
i am looking for information of any kind regarding doctors or anybody who has succesfully used a raw diet in stroke sufferers and or tube-fed patients.
what i plan to do is to show this information to the md`s in charge of him right now and be able to feed my dad with raw organic foods to aid his regeneration and healing.
if anybody knows of any valuable information, any doctor i could ask, anything written that might help, etc., i would be very grateful to receive an e-mail to makaroff@fibertel.com.ar
axel makaroff
buenos aires, argentina