I have a problem that has everyone I know,stumped(with the exception of a mechanic whom I have not taken to yet).I have an 85 Honda prelude 1.8 Ltr. dbl. barrel carb.,.178000 mi. on it .When I start out driving,it runs really rough,Ihave to keep giving it gas to keep it from stalling out, when I come to a stopsign or light. After driving awhile, 3o min. or more at highway speed, the problem goes away. This is in the summer.Now in the winter, when first started ,it runs fine.(while cold).After 10 min. or so it starts to run rough again at idle when warmed up. Anybody out there know anything about this? You would be my HERO if you could solv this !I've had one friend who used to be a mechanic,another person who works on his own honda,my brother who has always worked on his cars for years,all look at this yet noone can figure it out.Plugs,wires,dist. fuel filter. pcv valve have been changed. Thank you!