I really want to be helpful....ok pancratin is made by the pancreas it is responsable for several functions.....it aids in digestion of carbs,fats,and protien....when the body stops producing pancreatin then the whole body is unprotected because it is that same pancratin that kills the odd cells our body creates~another words pancreatin and the white cells distroy the bad cells our bodies make naturally....you can get the dijestive aids via health food market to get the pancreatin in the system thats a bonas.....next have your mother come to this site~here~ it's very important!!! there are things she can do to help detox....it's important.....coffee enemas.....wheat grass.....I urge here to come and to respond to others who are in the same area of healing.....How did you find this site? this site is a blessing.....your mother will have to start drinking fresh juices and if she eats breads,sugars or meats,smokes drins alcohol or sodas she will have to stop....her body has to move from an acidic state to an alkline....