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Re: has somebody really cured his cancer with the help of clark methods?
finallyfaith Views: 3,256
Published: 19 y
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Re: has somebody really cured his cancer with the help of clark methods?


when i lived in california i met a man who worked in the experimental aircraft fuel industry. he helped to formulate airline fuel. one day an explosion near him almost killed him and he was severely impaired due to benzene poisoning, a major ingredient in aircraft fuel. the doctors tried but could not help him. he had parkinson like symptoms, could not walk or talk very well and was getting worse.

the docs gave up,told him there was nothting they could do and that he would just get worse for his whole life. he heard about the clark clinic in mexico and gave it a try. he stayed there several months. after that time he was almost completely cured. he walked and talked nearly normal when i saw him. you only noticed the slight hesitation if you really looked for it. he said he owed his life to that clinic.

he also siad that while there he personally saw two people recover from cancer, and one person who came back to visit had been cured of cancer at the clinic and was still cancer free two years later. this guy never sold me anything, and his story checked out. i met him in an entirely different context and we just got to talking.

anyway, that gives you some feedback. i have never personally met anyone cured of cancer by clark, but this guy was a walking miracle.



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