It is important for all people on planet earth to be able to interpret information on genetic strands from ancient relatives subconsciously to know how to behave on this planet. People on EM by satellite can communicate on genetic strands once advanced methods are learned to interpret information on genetic strands. I can communicate with them to help control others on this planet, and even talk to the people in space, as long as the ancient relatives signals are recieved off the genetic strand information reporting what they feel is significant, say, for example EM, and Direct Energy Weopons Abuse, myself following along with the conversation from my primary ancient relative in charge, obeying my masters that brought us here to help everyone get along. They said if I train 3,000 people they will not have to do it from space. Advanced Life knows what EM victims are going through, and the government should be aware not to do anything bad to humans of royalty long ago on the genetic strands, say 10,000+ years ago, of the living, because you are being reported, and will pay severe consequences one day for illegal hostile abuse on satellite EM Mind Control or Psychotronic Mind Control.