Re: It didn't keep me from getting a DUI
Not driving while intoxicated is the surest method I know of to not get a DUI; this works fairly reliably even without the use of orgonite :)
On the orgonite forums - warriormatrix, ethericwarriors, there are/were posts from the past where orgonite was reported to have helped in yielding outcomes favorable on behalf of those who brought orgonite into the courtroom. I can only guess that these posts are still archived, at least one of these sites has experienced numerous outages the past year, some of which were not fully recovered from and archives were lost.
The court scenario plot thickens; some of those involved and active with orgonite, especially but not limited to those who associate closely in the circles of those who administer the aforementioned forums, have reported favorable court proceedings subsequent to their "group blasting" sessions. Rather than trying to adequately describe to you what these are, I leave it to you to consult the aforementioned forums to read and find out on your own. The basic plot - typcial corrupt courts of various flavors/circuits, with obligatory and corrupt judges, lawyers, etc., who were seemingly and miraculously given to bouts of doing something* out of there ordinary that lead these cases to be judged in favor of the innocent and unjustly accused defendents.
*the scenarios reported vary widely, in some cases the presiding corrupt judges dismiss the case out of the clear blue, some times they recuse themselves setting the stage for a less corrupt judge to quickly be seated to rule favorably for the acccused, all kinds of seemingly odd things have been reported. There have even been cases where a defendant made it quite plain they were bringing some orgonite into the court room, in one case, after a few days of proceedings, the thing (TB?) had become so much a focus of the judge and jury that the judge ordered it removed!