7 reasons to support Orgonise Africa
If you are new to the theme of Orgone or Orgonite, please fel free to read the article "What is Orgone" on www.orgonise-africa.net first
1. Orgonise Africa is experienced
Orgonise Africa is one of the Orgonite Vendors of the first hour. We make orgonite based tools and zappers since more than 3 years and have gained some experience in the Process, so we can offer well crafted products that are made with love and care.
Of course our products are being constantly improved and beautified.
2. Orgonise Africa tools are proven and tested
Through our large scale expeditions with often impressive results (read more on www.orgonise-africa.net under “reports”) we have the necessary background of own experience and know that our stuff works.
We work according to the “classical” Don Croft Designs and are rather [I]reluctant in introducing untested novelties, especially if those contain little or no orgonite[/I].
Of course we’ve also got a few innovative tools like the Orgone Howitzer which I claim to be my invention or the Mini Wand, but these always build on proven principles and are tested in the field before we put them up on our website.
3. Orgonise Africa is reliable
In more than 3 years we have served many hundreds of clients (probably a thousand by now) the world over, many of whom are coming back with repeat orders and many have become our close personal friends. In order to achieve this we had to earn a reputation for trustworthiness and reliability. Otherwise this wouldn’t have been possible. Of course also we experience problems sometimes but those have always been resolved to the full satisfaction of our clients and everybody has received their goods despite the often great distance.
4. Orgonise Africa is attractively priced
According to all I know, we belong in the group vendors with the most competitive prices worldwide in this still novel field. This holds true for our orgonite products as well as our zappers.
Admittedly our shipping costs (due to our location in South Africa) are high in comparison, but for most products that still leaves us a competitive edge. (apart from the high quality that would in fact justify much higher prices)
5. Orgonise Africa is working professionally
Since we make a living out of our orgone biz and and also finance our expeditions through it, we strive to professionalise the handling of orders and production more and more. Our clients profit from that since they know what they get and that they will get it.
This goes from the website design over the processing of orders to the product finish.
6. Orgonise Africa has a broad Variety on offer
Orgonise Africa offers a complete assortment of orgonite tools and zappers for practically all applications, as well as a growing number of healing stones, herbal teas and capsules and related products. (We use them all on ourselves, thereby [b]keeping the doctor away[/b] consistently...
7. Orgonise Africa is on a mission
Our surpluses (if any) and the occasional sponsorships all go into our ambitious project "Orgonise Africa". What we have achieved so far and what we still hope to achieve is on a large scale and deserves all thinkable support. This support can be spiritual, propagandistic (spread the news, get our reports on your websites, link to us, get us newspaper coverage etc.) or practical by buying our products or taking up a direct sponsorship for a CB in Africa (also smaller, non dedicated sponsorships are possible).
There’s still lots to do for us and for that we need money. And that is still a sparse commodity for us despite definitive improvement and growth of business over the last years.
Have a look yourself at www.orgonise-africa.net