19 y
MORE ON Re: "Dr. Phil is a Big Fat Sexist Idiot"
Really? What good insights do you think he has? What evidence do you see of his good-heartedness?
Right now he is running a "weight loss challenge" where 5 contestants battle it out, survivor style, to be the one who loses the most weight.
Why is this wrong? I can think of dozens of reasons. Here are a few:
1. The two men competing have a huge advantage, as men lose weight faster than women. This has been proven. However, "Doctor" Phil does not level the playing field by having one man and one woman eliminated each week -- no, it is only the person who has lost the BIGGEST percent of body weight. Period.
2. He counts only WEIGHT - he does not factor in percentage of body fat. This is easily calculated with water displacement, which he can easily afford to do. Nope, not Phil. Just a public weighing.
3. He does not do any tests of body functions like liver count, blood tests, or check for stress levels. The only "test" is to see if they are using "diet pills" -- which are against his rules.
I could go on.
He's a big fat sexist idiot.