Re: Re: [gallstones] Epsom Salts
I found this interesting article to describe the usefulness
Epsom Salts . Although I depend a lot on "Trust" in doing
Natural Healing it made me understand a little more how
it works with our flush.
13 Wonderful Ways to Use
Epsom Salts More Body Care Solutions
by Annie Berthold-Bond, Producer, Green Living Channels
I always knew that soaking in a tub full of hot water with a few cups of
Epsom Salts was good for relaxing muscles and drawing toxins from the body, but I could never find out why. And it wasn't until I spent some time at the
Epsom Salt Industry Council website that I learned that Epsom Salts -- made of the mineral magnesium sulfate--are also a sedative for the nervous system.
Simple Solution:
When magnesium sulfate is absorbed through the skin, such as in a bath, it draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, is a natural emollient, exfoliator, and much more.
Epsom Salt TIPS
Adapted from the
Epsom Salt Industry Council
Epsom Salt Council
Note: Check with a doctor before using if you have any health concerns.
* Relaxing and Sedative Bath: Soak in warm water and 2 cups of Epsom Salt.
* Face Cleaner: To clean your face at night, mix a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt with your regular cleansing cream. Just massage into skin and rinse with cold water.
* Homemade Skin Mask: Apply the mask to damp skin. For normal to oily skin, mix 1 tablespoon of cognac, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of nonfat dry milk, the juice of 1 lemon, and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt. For normal to dry skin mix 1/4 cup of grated carrot, 1 1/2 teaspoons of mayonnaise and a half-teaspoon of Epsom Salt.
* Foot Soak: Soothe aches, remove odors, and soften rough skin with a foot soak. Add 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt to a large pan of warm water. Soak feet for as long as it feels right. Rinse and dry.
* Skin Exfoliator: Massage handfuls of Epsom Salt over your wet skin, starting with your feet and continuing up towards the face. Have a bath to rinse.
* Remove Excess Oil from Hair: Epsom Salt soaks up excess oil from hair. Add 9 tablespoons of Epsom Salt to 1/2 cup of oily hair shampoo. Apply one tablespoon of the liquid to your hair when it is dry; rinse with cold water. Pour lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar through the hair, leave on for 5-10 minutes, and then rinse.
* Hairspray: Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 cup of lemon juice, and 1 cup Epsom Salt. Combine, cover, and let set for 24 hours. The next day, pour the mixture into your dry hair and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then shampoo as normal.
* Hair Volumizer: Combine equal parts of deep conditioner and Epsom Salt. Warm in a pan. Work the warm mixture through your hair and leave on for 20 minutes. Rinse.
* Soak Sprains and Bruises: Epsom Salt will reduce the swelling of sprains and bruises. Add 2 cups Epsom Salt to a warm bath, and soak.
* Splinter Remover: Soak in Epsom Salt, it will draw out the splinter.
> One Interesting message from Dax, posted at :
> ==========================
> From: "Dax"
> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 15:29:10 -0000
> Subject: Re: [gallstones] Cola and Epsom Salts
> Reply-To:
> > >Ira asks:
> > >I therefore ask anyone who's reading: what evidence is there for the
> claim
> > >that Epsom salts open up (dilate) the bile ducts?
> I can only answer this from personal experience...but then that is often far closer the truth than scientific reasoning...:)
> I did my 3rd flush using large quantities of Japps Health salts which certainly cleared my bowels...but I had negative results regarding stones (not a stone in sight...which kind of negates the olive oil soap theory!) and was in terrific pain for a week afterwards. I decided to do another flush a week later (still in pain) and did it with the Epsoms as I had before.
> Successful results and the pain vanished. Now, I decided that I had gotten a stone stuck in the Japps flush and that was why I was in constant pain afterwards...believe me, I felt really bad.
> Conclusion: I will never flush without my Epsoms again! No way do I want THAT pain again.
> But, I also have to add that we are all different and I have no doubt that just as some people have larger pores than others, so some have wider bile ducts than which case, there may be no need to dilate them further.
> Y'know, scientists and pharmacists come up with all these amazing drugs to cure this and that, but we can't ALL take the same drugs...they have different effects on different people.
> My son can't take penicillin - it would kill him - but I can.
> Same thing for the's a question of finding out what works best for you. Some people have no need for the Epsoms...I do.
> I put my story, details of the flush I did and links to other pages here:
> Dax