a simple google...
You can't expect to go back the way you were eating and not gain back.
After 30 days your clean digestive system is working better that it probably has
in decades. You will absorb many times the nutrients,vitamins,minerals as you did
precleanse. Unfortunately, you are absorbing more fat,salt ,carbs etc as well.
Research has it that eating 5+ meals per day tends to lessen weight gain.
Also the comments on chewing your food. Tests have led to evidence that chewing more triggers the brain into feeling full faster. Try it as mentioned.
If you have had issues with weight for much of your life then I think it's time to evaluate a few things...particularly, where most of your calories come from.
I like to eat a couple carrots during the day or celery,etc...
Try grazing throughout the day rather than loading up at meals...
Stanley suggests, in the book , to stay away from breakfasts,too.
Although, medical research has been done on this and shows that people that eat breakfast have less teeth problems...especially kids.
So, what to do...?
Common sense is your best councel.