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Re: I'm on day 21...has anyone ever gone to 30 days?
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Published: 19 y
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Re: I'm on day 21...has anyone ever gone to 30 days?

Great determination...that's what it's all about...
I bet you feel wonderful.

Many have done 30, my last I went 45,I could have easily
went further.

You will get tremendous benefits and experience deeper cleansing
the longer you go. By day 42 I was passing 4" ropes of sludge .

There is a thing of 'too much'. One needs to know and be in touch
with their physical and mental being to undertake a long cleanse.
That's why I relentlessly push newbies to stick to short 1-14 day
cleanses to start. One doesn't have to go all out in order to get
cleansed. It is so important to know your body. If you are deficient
in a certain mineral or vitamin, then you will certainly be super-
deficient on the MC...practice common sense. Pregnancy can drain the
calcium amongst other things...sounds like you are cool,yet I don't
know how strict you are during the's of course up to you.
You have been here before so you know the drill,haha

You will,if you haven't already, hit various milestones...mine are usually
at 14,22 and 40+

If you are following the program PRECISELY and feel fine, go for it...
sounds like you've got a good thing're in 'da zone!
happy cleansing!



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