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Re: Help....breaking on day 2.
kee7468 Views: 899
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 264,083

Re: Help....breaking on day 2.

Thanks again! I would have done a shorter fast for the 1st time, but I felt so good at day 10 so I listened to my body and kept going. This morning was the first time I felt really shaky and these feelings actually ocurred before consuming the watermelon. However, I went back to OJ for the afternoon and have plenty for tomorrow (my 3rd day). And speaking of soup - I've made two batches. I couldn't decide amongst all of the recipes shared in the past few weeks! Boy does my house smell good now!!!

Tell me it's okay to start consuming broth tomorrow afternoon after a morning of OJ and assuming I'm feeling good?!?!? I'm so ready!



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