Reaction to the cleansing programs, and a spiritual cure...
I had a very interesting journey with the intestinal and
Liver Cleansing programs, and the strong spiritual aspect associated with them. In the middle of the intestinal cleans, I started to get hives every night, some as big as my hand. I was told here, by some very kind people, to do the 5 day liver cleans program, which I did. It did not cure the hives, so I did a second one. I am a meditator, and a spiritual healer, and a few days ago, I started to increase the levels of divine energy that I was sending, long distance, to 4 different clients. After their sessions, which took about 2 1/2 hours, I noticed that my own body was back in balance. I have to also tell you, that about a month ago, I received a very profound spiritual initiation, and that was about 1 week before I started the first intestinal cleans. After the healing session, with the 4 different clients, my hives were gone. The following day, I did the same type of healing session, with the same 4, with continued balancing in my own body. I did not realize that my own backed up spiritual energy, was causing my health problems, and the
hives. I did further dowsing, and research on this, and found out something new, that might be of importance to many of you, who are trying to heal. In other lives, some of those that are ill now, were very good healers. In those lives, if this is you, you might have worked with great amounts of divine energy. If you did not follow the healing path this life, you might be carrying large loads of divine energy, that is blocked in your system, and causing disease. This may also be true if you have a strong spiritual path, and or pray. Both meditation, and prayer, open up the consciousness, and body, to more divine energy. If this is not given out to the world, in some form, it can cause disease. Disease is nothing more than blockages. Well, I hope this information will help some of you. It was an eye opener for me, and it cured my own imbalanace with the hives.