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Image Embedded Self Massage for Detoxing (Corrected)

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peanut74 Views: 1,379
Published: 19 y

Self Massage for Detoxing (Corrected)

This is from (where I go for a colonic):


This is a great exercise for beginners. Practice this technique daily at bedtime, 5-10 minutes each night, for a period of 3 months. Then move on to Level 2.

Level 1 is great for moving energy through your viscera, removing blockages, improving digestion and relieving stress accumulation. If you are consistent you will notice less tenderness and more energy overall. And, it feels good! Have someone do it for you or do it yourself. You should be on your back with your knees propped up with a pillow. The X's in the drawing represent the points where you will press when you exhale. The arrows indicate the direction to move.



This is another great exercise for beginners. Like Level 1, practice this one every night at bedtime, 5-10 minutes each night, for a period of 3 months. After that go back and forth every 3 months between Level 1 and Level 2 techniques.

Level 2 is great for helping to balance out the tummy by releasing tensions with the belly button as the focal point. Many people have had great success in using this technique for helping to improve bladder tolerance, improving digestion, and releasing long standing pains in the belly.

If you are consistent you will notice less tenderness and more energy overall. And, it feels good! Have someone do it for you or do it yourself. You should be on your back with your knees propped up with a pillow. The X's in the drawing represent the points where you will press when you exhale. The arrows indicate the direction to move.

It's so great to take time for yourself,

Master Cleanse for the Mind and Soul



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