Re: dizzy spells
You are making your body nuts by fasting , eating ,fasting and eating.
It doesn't know what to have to do one or the other.
Master-Cleanse is 'foreign' to your system and it can not bounce back and forth w/out
some side effects.
If you prescribe to the program of drinking 10 or so lemonades per day w/2 tblspns
of each maple and lemon, don't over exert yourself,do the swf in the a.m. ,tea at night if you need,then you should feel pretty good after 12 days.
HINT TO ALL...if you deviate from the program, skip,skimp or take short cuts, over do it w/exercise,substitute,etc,then you will more than likely feel discomfort, or bluntly 'feel like crap'!
congratulations on making it as far as you did...dig deeper and you will find that you are stronger than you think.