Re: How did you find out about MC?
This is a good question!
I haven't actually done the
Master-Cleanse yet (I'm a newbie here) but found out about it when I was looking into fasting for better physical and spiritual health and weight loss. I heard mention of
The Master Cleanse on a juice and
Water Fasting forum I'm a member of. I did complete a 10 day fruit juice fast (fresh, organic fruit I juiced myself) about 8 months ago. I felt great and it was a good experience (I say "good" because the detox wasn't fun - but the results were wonderful.) I felt c-l-e-a-n, inside and out.
I've been wanting to do a juice fast/cleanse again but being a full-time student while caring for my family makes the juice prep time hard to manage so the
Master-Cleanse seemed like an easy way to go. I bought Burroughs' book, read it and then Googled to this site. I also bought a CD on the
Lemonade Diet . Then my husband, after listening to the CD, decided he wanted to do the
Lemonade Diet with me (see my post "NEED ADVICE: Toxic waste dump couple looking to clean house!" on page 368.)
Well, to make a long story short (or less longer) we haven't actually experienced the
Master-Cleanse yet because we're quitting smoking this week and then doing a liver cleanse next week in preparation for a good introduction to the MC. I especially want to make sure my husband's liver is cleansed before we start this because if his past abuses.
One thing I know, when we finally do get there, it'll be life changing for us and especially my husband who suffers from many repetitive colds etc. I've just started on a new path to better health through cleansing and I have high hopes for the future.
That's my story and I'm stickin' with it! ;)