Re: Frozen shoulder
sorry your mom is going through that.
At least the Dr was honest about being ignorant...
Frozen shoulder can be caused by many things and / or a combo of various things and may be linked to Bell's palsey. Some instances can be permanant...about 1-3%
constant breeze or draft
using shoulder to hold phone ,repeditive movement,etc
lack of circulation,exercise
toxic build up/alcohol
Lousy diet or food alergy
Any combo of the above,especially drafts.
Physical therapy is succsessful almost always. Ultra sound massage, heat treatment is normal procedure in severe cases.
Deep tissue massage is helpful. An
Master-Cleanse would be a great idea along with stretching,heat application and massage. Hot baths/jacuzzis,really hot. Keep affected area warm and draft free, wear long sleeve night shirt to bed. Hanging from a chin up bar for 30 seconds at a pop if she can is a fantastic stretch. Get rid of electric blankets and hair dryers for awhile if not permanently.Salonpas is great, get the big sheets w/the holes in it...intense though can really help. White Tiger balm is good, salonpas gel is better IF you can find it. If you live in an area w a Chinese herb store get dong quai and tai pen. These are blood purifiers.
Drink lots of water... A L W A Y S !!
For home massage concentrate on the kei or shoulder , arm and hand of the affected side. The pressure points or tsubo are easy to find in a Shiatsu book or google. I'd be interested in knowing the exact area of infliction. Best to go to a pro specializing in deep tissue... ow = wow!
It can last as much as a year and can simply disappear as suddenly as it came.
I tend to believe that it is a neuralogial problem from a deadened or 'pinched' nerve or viral or both. The body locks itself around it I feel in order to generate heat to solve the problem, so heat application is good.
I hope the ailment goes away quickly.