Great to hear all's going well. I just have not been interested enough to go off the MC, so here I am at day 51. My tongue is about halfway cleared. Still nothing interesting stool-wise, so guess it's going to have to be P&Bs to get the lead out. Have to go to to town anyway, so will pick up oranges in preparation for winding down, as I assume I have to do at this point. This has been so interesting! The lack of interest in food has just amazed me. I spent about an hour yesterday tearing out healthy-looking recipes from magazines. Not hungry, just thinking ahead. I did have a weird dream last night where I had a bunch of food in my mouth and was trying to keep from swallowing because I knew it was not safe to eat solids while so far into a fast. Was so relieved when I realized it was a dream! Please continue to keep us posted on your journey.