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Image Embedded Re: zoebess
Zoebess Views: 1,108
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 260,736

Re: zoebess

Ah, enjoy your bath. It has to be one of my favorite parts of my day...bathing and letting any stress of the day flow away.

Dont feel bad about the calender stuff. I began my last long flush during a month and was using stickers to motivate myself so when I had to turn the page it was a downer to me...I know silly...ggg. So I planned it so I could look at a page of smiley faces and to see all of them in one glance. I notice my neighbor looks at my calender when she is visiting and she is finally grokking to how much this is helping me. I am visual so it helps...

Yes, please do CHEER my fever since it means my body has found a "bunker" of funk and my cells are battling. This was another reason why I was so tired and so knew that with the fever, I would do best to rest.

hee about this...ggg


My lemonade today is glowing red...ggg. I like it anyway but had to work up to this amount which I also attribute to keeping the cleaning going. You are ahead of the game there, loving it!

Dont worry too, we will be here for you even though you are a little behind us. Its Master Cleanse Summer Camp and its fun all summer long....ggg

be happy, be well,


The Master Cleanse Express



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