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Re: Update day 37 of 40!

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 19 y
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Re: Update day 37 of 40!

You should be proud of yourself and I share your joy for dicovering a hidden aspect of yourself. No wows from's to be expected and now you know the results are in! It was all your always is and it always will be! things don't happen for a reason , they happen as a result!!!!

This is the beginning of a wondrous journey.

Now is the time to REALLY start psyching up for your break...Very important.

PLAN , map out and follow through. By now you know what you must do to continue. You should have a firm game plan of the break and post Master-Cleanse lifestyle.

A word of advice. Stay away from starches and processed foods. You have learned that you have the power to say NO. To shrug off the urges and whims. You must keep the same concentration and control. Something that works for me is that I still start my day with a quart of h2o. It reminds me and reaffirms the pattern and control that I aquired during my last 45 day MC( I"m doing a 10 day 'mini refresher course' now). Nothing wrong with several Master-Cleanse cocktails throughout the day everyday post cleanse...the cayenne really keeps the blood flowing and filtering. Keep drinking your gallon of water also post cleanse...every day of your life.

Hopefully you have broken your love affair with food and will govern your intake to
healthy and life giving food. No one goes 40 days without a deep love for themselves. That makes you a lovable person...enjoy the love and with each breath,
feeling the love that you have inside and around you. It's so much better than empty food, so much more satisfying, so much more precious.

Take a good 20 days for your break...otherwise it's really easy to slide right back to where you were.

I believe that any habit can be broken in a month... you are there!!! have done what few would even dream of!

With Aloha...d



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