Last year around this time I did an 18 day MC. I am all geared up and after my mother leaves after visiting this weekend I am eager to start. Last weekend I bought some lemons and limes which will probably be bad by the time I actually start.
On Monday night (official Day 1) I am going to do a Liver Flush. Last year I didn't do one and I just feel like it's something that I need to pursue. I am going to do a straight Master-Cleanse for at least 10 days. After the 10 days I might add in other juices. I plan on drinking ozonated water the whole time depending on detox symptoms. I am going to fast for at least 21 days total, I am hoping for 40 though. I do a lot of strength training so after the 21 days I might add in other liquids, such as Ensure w/ Protein. This isn't for certain, just an idea depending on how my body feels.
I feel so toxic, I wish that I could start today! I'll be checking in much more regularly from now until the end of the Master-Cleanse portion of my fast.