Wow, great report!!! It flashes me back to that sense of energy you are describing. You dont feel it when you are eating. Its more than a lightness of being, its almost an ecstacy of being. I'm heading where you are!!! o-girl!
Something else you might consider as an inbetween is just doing a footbath with Epsom Salts . I am always amazed at what it draws out, and it is true, the longer fasts do go deeper and more pockets are sloughed off. I just put a dishpan under my desk with a cup of epsom and hot water to open the blood vessels in my feet and yeeeehaw~~~its a feel good. You might consider too, adding some powdered ginger to your bath at night, with another cup or two of epsom. That is a powerful detox bath especially when you are where you are at!