22 y
Crossed eyes from age 4 1/2 to 17
My daughter had straight eyes until she was 4 1/2 years old, then they began to turn in. In spite of trying vision therapy, eye exercises, patching, herbs, chiropractic, cranio-sacral, Neuro-organizational Technique, and massage, they are still quited crossed. She is now 17. Her cousins have the same problem; it is hereditary. The cousins have had surgery years ago, but that did not help at all. Laser surgery was not tried. The only thing that did help for a time was chiropratic adjustments, but now she doesn't seem to hold her adjustments at all. She is putting deep tissue on her neck every night. She has double vision, but has compensated for it over the years. She has good vision in both eyes, they just don't work together.
She plays violin beautifully, but since she was holding it wrong, it seemed to mess up her neck even more, so she is giving that up to see if she can heal. My questions: 1. What will help her adjustments to hold? 2. Any suggestions for straightening the muscles in the eyes? 3. Is surgery ever a consideration?
Thank you. Janet Hoffman