Re: BM Question: a little gross, sorry
You may consider adding a simple papaya enzyme, as well, a good probiotic or yogurt to replace the gut flora the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) swept out of your system.
Here is some info on Papaya Enzymes. They can be found for a very reasonable price. I carry some in my purse for after eating out and I never use antacids, they are so effective at breaking down food.
be happy, be well,
Who Should Consider Papaya Enzymes:
Everyone, especially those who experience:
Poor digestion
Acid reflux
Papaya Enzymes is a digestive enzyme formula responsible for breaking foods down into nutrients and encouraging proper absorption.
Key Ingredients of Papaya Enzymes:
Papaya (Papain)
Side Effects of Papaya Enzymes:
Side effects tend to be minimal. Cramping, diarrhea, or digestive upset may arise during the first few days or so, but typically subside rather quickly.
Wait at least two hours after taking digestive enzymes before taking antacids, since the acid neutralizers can hinder the effects of certain enzymes. However, various acid-blocking drugs do not interfere with enzyme function.
Detailed Product Information for Papaya Enzymes:
What are digestive enzymes:
Papain enzyme, derived from unripe Papayas, is used to ease overall digestion;
Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme derived from the stem of pineapples, helps breakdown and digest protein in addition to reducing muscle and tissue inflammation;
Protease, a proteolytic enzyme, is used to breakdown and digest protein;
Lipase enzymes are used to breakdown and digest fats.
Digestive enzymes are complex proteins that break down foods into nutrients that the body can then readily digest and absorb into the bloodstream, thereby providing essential vitamins and minerals to tissues throughout the body. The human body can synthesize 22 digestive enzymes; other enzymes are obtained from fruits, vegetables or are plant based.
There are three classes of digestive enzymes: proteolytic enzymes are needed to digest protein, lipases are needed to digest fat, and amylases are needed to digest carbohydrates. By promoting digestion, these enzymes may also accelerate the passage of food through the stomach and digestive tract, reducing acid retention, irritation and heartburn. Additionally, supplementing with digestive enzymes may help protect the body against a wide range of ailments by ensuring optimal digestion.
What do Papaya Enzymes do for me:
Encourages proper digestion and absorption of foods;
Provides a natural alternative to promote digestive health and reduce irritations such as bloating, gas and general indigestion;
Supports healthy upper respiratory function
Encourages anti-inflammatory response
Reduces susceptibility to
food allergies ;
Aids in healthy immune function;
Healthy digestion function
Nearly all types of digestion complaints can benefit from digestive enzymes. Many alternative practitioners recommend digestive enzymes to promote healthy digestion and enhance proper vitamin and mineral absorption. Some believe that poor health, poor diet, refined foods, and environmental factors contribute to the body's inability to properly break foods down resulting in digestion discomfort and illness. Supplementing with plant-based digestive enzymes may help restore proper digestion in aging adults as the ability to secrete gastric acid to digest food tends to decrease with age; as many as 40% of adults may not secrete sufficient levels of hydrochloric acid.
Healthy respiratory function
Some individuals who experience respiratory allergies and sinusitis have found relief by the benefits of bromelain. Bromelain has been shown to help reduce inflammation and ease congestion by promoting proper drainage in the nasal passages.
Healthy inflammatory response
Proteolytic enzymes such as protease and bromelain, once absorbed by the body have been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory effects. These enzymes have been beneficial in reducing swelling in muscles and tissues by breaking down fibrin. Fibrin is a wall which forms around the inflamed area. Bromelain blocks the process that leads to swelling while encouraging excess fluid to drain from the injury.
Reduces susceptibility to
food allergies
There is a theory that
food allergies are brought about by poorly or incomplete digested protein. Proteolytic enzymes such as protease and bromelain may reduce allergic symptoms by further breaking down undigested protein to sizes too small to cause allergic reactions.
Healthy immune function
The immune system is not just one entity…it is a collection of systems by which the body defends itself from infection. Some alternative practitioners believe that many diseases are caused by inadequate digestion or by incomplete absorption of nutrients. Digestive enzymes can help protect the body by ensuring the breakdown of foods and promoting absorption of vitamins and nutrients.
How much Papaya Enzyme Formula do I need?:
We recommend chewing or dissolving 2 lozenges in your mouth following meals or as needed. For anti-inflammatory benefits, take on an empty stomach.