23 y
Re: natural cure for Helicobacter pylori ?
Some more for you:
ULCERS: A lady had been attending our herbal lecture series for some time.
One day she told us about her husband´s severe case of stomach ulcers. The recommendation from their doctor was to have part of his stomach removed, but he said he would rather suffer the pain than risk such an operation. He also refused his wife´s suggestion to try cayenne, ridiculing her studies. When he would see me in town, he would bellow, "Hello, Doc! Killed anybody with cayenne, today?" He became so obnoxious, I avoided him when I could. Months went by and one day I saw him coming down the street toward me. I tried to avoid him but he came "head on." This time I was amazed because there were no cutting remarks or sarcasm. In fact, he was very apologetic and asked if he could talk to me for a minute, and then told me this story: He had come home from work one night, "sick enough to die," with stomach ulcers. His wife was not home. He was in such pain he wanted to commit suicide. He went to the medicine cabinet to find some kind of medicine poisonous and deadly enough to kill him. But he discovered his wife had thrown out all the old bottles of pharmaceutical medicine. All that was left in the medicine cabinet were some herbs and a large container of cayenne pepper. He was so angry that, upon seeing the cayenne, he figured it in a large dose would kill him by burning him up. He took a heaping tablespoon of cayenne in a glass of hot water, gulped it down and rushed into the bedroom. He fell upon the bed and covered his head with a pillow so the neighbors couldn´t hear his "dying screams." The next thing he knew, his wife was shaking him awake the next morning. She told him he had slept all night (instead of being up every half-hour for anti-acid tablets). To his amazement he discovered that the pain was gone, for the first time in months. He continued using cayenne three times a day faithfully. [Dr. Christopher¹s Newsletter 1-12]